Friday, June 10, 2022


 I have committed to finishing WIPs this year, so for the next 6 months my stash shrink down may go a bit slowly.  This is because the majority of my projects are afghans.  I finished one afghan last month.  I pushed to get it finished before the heat of summer sets in because I intend to enter it into the Big E Creative Arts competition in September.

The two afghans I am currently working on, as well as the one I just finished, each  involve making 20 10" squares.  Each square is a different crochet stitch pattern.  This means that between March and June of 2022, I will have made 60 10" crocheted afghan squares.  When I am done, I don't think I will want to see a crocheted square for a while.  Sadly, there are still more afghans to finish among my projects.

The two afghans I am currently working on are a great way to start shrinking the stash, however.  I am using almost all of the Caron Simply Soft Brites yarn in my stash, and I am finishing skeins.  I estimate that the afghans should use upwards of 4,000 yards of yarn, so that will be a nice boost to my stash reduction efforts.

I won't actually sew the afghans together until autumn, though, because I just don't have a spot in the house that is air conditioned enough during the summer.  But since I have two sock yarn blankets started, in addition to some other light weight projects, I will have plenty to do when it is hot and humid out.  If I can finish all the squares over the summer and sew all the afghans together in the fall, I will end the year with a much neater work space and the ability to start real stash eater projects next year.

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